API | Payments

Contains functionality related to payments.


Makes a payment for the event, division or team. Can only be used for non-redirect payment providers.


POST https://rugby.exposureevents.com/api/v1/payments


Name Type Default Required Description
teamid integer The team id to be tied to the payment. Only required if division and event id is missing
divisionid integer The division id to be tied to the payment. Only required if team and event id is missing
eventid integer The event id to be tied to the payment. Only required if team and division id is missing
markaspaid boolean true Marks the team as paid. Only used when team id is supplied
enablecreditcard boolean true Creates a payment and charges a credit card. Payment provider must be setup first and assigned to the event.
enablepaymentconfirmation boolean true Sends a email confirmation after a successful payment is made.
payment object Can only be used for non-redirect payment providers
payment.priceid integer The payment price id. Only required if amount isn't supplied.
payment.amount decimal The payment amount. Only required if price id isn't supplied.
payment.title string (100) The payment title. Only required if price id isn't supplied.
payment.description string The payment description. Only required if price ID isn't supplied.
payment.firstname string (100) The billing contact first name.
payment.lastname string (100) The billing contact last name.
payment.email string (100) The billing contact email. Must be a valid email.
payment.phone string (100) The billing contact phone number.
payment.creditcardtype string (100) The credit card type (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express). Only required if enabled credit card is enabled.
payment.creditcardnumber string (100) The credit card number. Only required if enabled credit card is enabled.
payment.creditcardexpireyear integer The credit card two digit expiration year. Only required if enabled credit card is enabled.
payment.creditcardexpiremonth integer The credit card two digit expiration month. Only required if enabled credit card is enabled.
payment.creditcardcvv2 string (100) The credit card security code. Only required if enabled credit card is enabled.
payment.address object The billing contact address. Only required if enabled credit card is enabled.
payment.address.streetaddress string (100) Only required if enabled credit card is enabled.
payment.address.extendedaddress string (100) Only required if enabled credit card is enabled.
payment.address.city string (100) Only required if enabled credit card is enabled.
payment.address.stateregion string (100) Only required if enabled credit card is enabled.
payment.address.postalcode string (10) Only required if enabled credit card is enabled.
  "TeamId": 0,
  "EventId": 0,
  "DivisionId": 20,
  "EnableCreditCard": true,
  "MarkAsPaid": false,
  "EnableReceipt": true,
  "Payment": {
    "PriceId": 20,
    "Amount": 150.0,
    "Redeemed": false,
    "CreditCardType": "Visa",
    "CreditCardNumber": "4444444444444444",
    "CreditCardExpireYear": "14",
    "CreditCardExpireMonth": "10",
    "CreditCardCvv2": "438",
    "FirstName": "Bob",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "Organization": "Exposure Events",
    "StreetAddress": "22 Exposure Lane",
    "ExtendedAddress": "Suite 22",
    "City": "Gilbert",
    "StateRegion": "AZ",
    "PostalCode": "55555",
    "Email": "noreply@exposureevents.com",
    "Phone": "555-555-5555",
    "Title": "Tournament Fee",
    "Description": "Team Exposure (adidas Super 64 - 17)"
  "CollegeCoachId": 0
<Request xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <Country i:nil="true" />
    <Description>Team Exposure (adidas Super 64 - 17)</Description>
    <ExtendedAddress>Suite 22</ExtendedAddress>
    <Organization>Exposure Events</Organization>
        <Description i:nil="true" />
        <Group i:nil="true" />
        <PriceType i:nil="true" />
        <Subgroup i:nil="true" />
        <SubgroupKey i:nil="true" />
        <Title i:nil="true" />
    <StreetAddress>22 Exposure Lane</StreetAddress>
    <Title>Tournament Fee</Title>
    <DiscountCode i:nil="true" />
    <g-recaptcha-response i:nil="true" />
  <PriceType i:nil="true" />
  <SeasonId i:nil="true" />
  "TransactionId": "5555555555555555"
<Response xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">