API | Events

Contains functionality to access events details, and retrieves a paged list of active events with an option to include additional data related to the event.

Event Details

Retrieves event's details including additional data related to the event.


GET https://rugby.exposureevents.com/api/v1/events


Name Type Default Required Description
id integer The event id.
includes enumeration Additional data to be included in the response. Values should be separated by commas.
  "Event": {
    "Id": 30,
    "Sport": 0,
    "ParentId": 1,
    "Gender": 1,
    "Name": "Exposure Rugby Events",
    "Organization": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "Exposure Rugby Events",
      "Website": "https://rugby.exposureevents.com"
    "Archive": false,
    "Type": 0,
    "Image": "",
    "StartDate": "1/16/2025",
    "TimeZone": "Mountain Standard Time",
    "EndDate": "1/16/2025",
    "Address": {
      "Location": "Exposure High School",
      "StreetAddress": "3934 E Battala Avenue",
      "ExtendedAddress": "Suite 144",
      "City": "Gilbert",
      "StateRegion": "Arizona",
      "PostalCode": "85297",
      "Latitude": 36.1849073,
      "Longitude": -115.1230314
    "Divisions": [
        "Id": 120,
        "Name": "17",
        "Description": "This is an open division.",
        "Gender": 1,
        "Order": 1
    "Assets": [
        "Id": 1145,
        "Name": "Teams",
        "Description": "Super Teams",
        "Url": "https://rugby.exposureevents.com/assets/documents/1145.xls",
        "DateModified": "1/16/2025 9:08 PM",
        "DateCreated": "1/16/2025 9:08 PM"
    "Reports": [
        "Name": "Teams",
        "Description": "Event participating teams.",
        "Url": "https://rugby.exposureevents.com/events/teams?eventid=30",
        "Type": 3,
        "DateModified": "1/16/2025 9:08 PM"
    "Venues": [
        "Id": 68,
        "Name": "Exposure High School",
        "Abbr": "EHS",
        "Address": {
          "Location": "Exposure High School",
          "StreetAddress": "3934 E Battala Avenue",
          "ExtendedAddress": "Suite 144",
          "City": "Gilbert",
          "StateRegion": "Arizona",
          "PostalCode": "85297",
          "Latitude": 36.1849073,
          "Longitude": -115.1230314
        "Locations": [
            "Name": "Main",
            "Abbr": "MN"
    "Prices": [
        "Id": 35,
        "Type": 1,
        "Name": "Tournament Fee",
        "Amount": 200.0,
        "Description": "Early bird special"
    "Settings": {
      "EnableRegistration": false,
      "RosterLimit": 12,
      "RegistrationStatus": 1,
      "RegistrationStartDate": "1/16/2025",
      "RegistrationEndDate": "1/16/2025",
      "RegistrationStartTime": "9:08 PM",
      "RegistrationEndTime": "9:08 PM",
      "ScheduleAvailabilityDate": "1/16/2025",
      "ScheduleAvailabilityTime": "9:08 PM",
      "ShowSchedule": true,
      "ShowPools": true,
      "ShowBrackets": true,
      "ShowTeams": false
    "ContactName": "Bob Smith",
    "ContactEmail": "noreply@exposureevents.com",
    "ContactPhone": "555-555-5555",
    "Certifications": [
        "Type": 3,
        "Name": "NCAA Certified"
    "Season": {
      "Id": 100,
      "StartYear": 2025,
      "EndYear": 2026,
      "Session": "Fall"
    "InstagramHandle": "exposurerugby",
    "TwitterHandle": "exposurerugby",
    "Website": "https://rugby.exposureevents.com",
    "FacebookPage": "https://facebook.com/exposurerugbyevents",
    "TravelWebsite": "https://exposureevents.hotelplanner.com/search/?city=3934+E+Battala+Avenue+Gilbert+Arizona+85297&checkin=1/15/2025&checkout=1/16/2025&kw=teamid---eventid-30"
<Response xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
      <ExtendedAddress>Suite 144</ExtendedAddress>
      <Location>Exposure High School</Location>
      <StreetAddress>3934 E Battala Avenue</StreetAddress>
        <DateCreated>1/16/2025 9:08 PM</DateCreated>
        <DateModified>1/16/2025 9:08 PM</DateModified>
        <Description>Super Teams</Description>
        <Name>NCAA Certified</Name>
    <ContactName>Bob Smith</ContactName>
        <Description>This is an open division.</Description>
    <Name>Exposure Rugby Events</Name>
      <Name>Exposure Rugby Events</Name>
        <Description>Early bird special</Description>
        <Name>Tournament Fee</Name>
        <DateModified>1/16/2025 9:08 PM</DateModified>
        <Description>Event participating teams.</Description>
      <RegistrationEndTime>9:08 PM</RegistrationEndTime>
      <RegistrationStartTime>9:08 PM</RegistrationStartTime>
      <ScheduleAvailabilityTime>9:08 PM</ScheduleAvailabilityTime>
    <TimeZone>Mountain Standard Time</TimeZone>
          <ExtendedAddress>Suite 144</ExtendedAddress>
          <Location>Exposure High School</Location>
          <StreetAddress>3934 E Battala Avenue</StreetAddress>
        <Name>Exposure High School</Name>


Retrieves a paged list of active events including additional data related to the event.


GET https://rugby.exposureevents.com/api/v1/events


Name Type Default Required Description
page integer 1
pagesize integer 50
parentid integer The parent id of the event.
organizationid integer The organization id of the event.
archive boolean
startdate date Filter at and above date. i.e. 2/2/2025
enddate date Filter at and below date. i.e. 2/2/2026
type enumeration The type of event.
includes enumeration Additional data to be included in the response. Values should be separated by commas.
  "Events": {
    "Results": [
        "Id": 30,
        "Sport": 0,
        "ParentId": 1,
        "Gender": 1,
        "Name": "Exposure Rugby Events",
        "Organization": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Name": "Exposure Rugby Events",
          "Website": "https://rugby.exposureevents.com"
        "Archive": false,
        "Type": 0,
        "Image": "",
        "StartDate": "1/16/2025",
        "TimeZone": "Mountain Standard Time",
        "EndDate": "1/16/2025",
        "Address": {
          "Location": "Exposure High School",
          "StreetAddress": "3934 E Battala Avenue",
          "ExtendedAddress": "Suite 144",
          "City": "Gilbert",
          "StateRegion": "Arizona",
          "PostalCode": "85297",
          "Latitude": 36.1849073,
          "Longitude": -115.1230314
        "Divisions": [
            "Id": 120,
            "Name": "17",
            "Description": "This is an open division.",
            "Gender": 1,
            "Order": 1
        "Assets": [
            "Id": 1145,
            "Name": "Teams",
            "Description": "Super Teams",
            "Url": "https://rugby.exposureevents.com/assets/documents/1145.xls",
            "DateModified": "1/16/2025 9:08 PM",
            "DateCreated": "1/16/2025 9:08 PM"
        "Reports": [
            "Name": "Teams",
            "Description": "Event participating teams.",
            "Url": "https://rugby.exposureevents.com/events/teams?eventid=30",
            "Type": 3,
            "DateModified": "1/16/2025 9:08 PM"
        "Venues": [
            "Id": 68,
            "Name": "Exposure High School",
            "Abbr": "EHS",
            "Address": {
              "Location": "Exposure High School",
              "StreetAddress": "3934 E Battala Avenue",
              "ExtendedAddress": "Suite 144",
              "City": "Gilbert",
              "StateRegion": "Arizona",
              "PostalCode": "85297",
              "Latitude": 36.1849073,
              "Longitude": -115.1230314
            "Locations": [
                "Name": "Main",
                "Abbr": "MN"
        "Prices": [
            "Id": 35,
            "Type": 1,
            "Name": "Tournament Fee",
            "Amount": 200.0,
            "Description": "Early bird special"
        "Settings": {
          "EnableRegistration": false,
          "RosterLimit": 12,
          "RegistrationStatus": 1,
          "RegistrationStartDate": "1/16/2025",
          "RegistrationEndDate": "1/16/2025",
          "RegistrationStartTime": "9:08 PM",
          "RegistrationEndTime": "9:08 PM",
          "ScheduleAvailabilityDate": "1/16/2025",
          "ScheduleAvailabilityTime": "9:08 PM",
          "ShowSchedule": true,
          "ShowPools": true,
          "ShowBrackets": true,
          "ShowTeams": false
        "ContactName": "Bob Smith",
        "ContactEmail": "noreply@exposureevents.com",
        "ContactPhone": "555-555-5555",
        "Certifications": [
            "Type": 3,
            "Name": "NCAA Certified"
        "Season": {
          "Id": 100,
          "StartYear": 2025,
          "EndYear": 2026,
          "Session": "Fall"
        "InstagramHandle": "exposurerugby",
        "TwitterHandle": "exposurerugby",
        "Website": "https://rugby.exposureevents.com",
        "FacebookPage": "https://facebook.com/exposurerugbyevents",
        "TravelWebsite": "https://exposureevents.hotelplanner.com/search/?city=3934+E+Battala+Avenue+Gilbert+Arizona+85297&checkin=1/15/2025&checkout=1/16/2025&kw=teamid---eventid-30"
    "Page": 1,
    "PageSize": 50,
    "Total": 1
<Response xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
          <ExtendedAddress>Suite 144</ExtendedAddress>
          <Location>Exposure High School</Location>
          <StreetAddress>3934 E Battala Avenue</StreetAddress>
            <DateCreated>1/16/2025 9:08 PM</DateCreated>
            <DateModified>1/16/2025 9:08 PM</DateModified>
            <Description>Super Teams</Description>
            <Name>NCAA Certified</Name>
        <ContactName>Bob Smith</ContactName>
            <Description>This is an open division.</Description>
        <Name>Exposure Rugby Events</Name>
          <Name>Exposure Rugby Events</Name>
            <Description>Early bird special</Description>
            <Name>Tournament Fee</Name>
            <DateModified>1/16/2025 9:08 PM</DateModified>
            <Description>Event participating teams.</Description>
          <RegistrationEndTime>9:08 PM</RegistrationEndTime>
          <RegistrationStartTime>9:08 PM</RegistrationStartTime>
          <ScheduleAvailabilityTime>9:08 PM</ScheduleAvailabilityTime>
        <TimeZone>Mountain Standard Time</TimeZone>
              <ExtendedAddress>Suite 144</ExtendedAddress>
              <Location>Exposure High School</Location>
              <StreetAddress>3934 E Battala Avenue</StreetAddress>
            <Name>Exposure High School</Name>